Teachme Biz is an essential tool for the company to grow rapidly and internationally by solving geographical challenges both in Malaysian market where the country is divided into east and west across the sea and global market.
Introduction Purpose |
To standardize services both at around 440 outlets in Malaysia and overseas outlets |
Issue |
Training cost is high, Difficulty in managing manuals |
Result |
Reduce the training cost and Improve the efficiency of creating and sharing SOP |
Company Profile |
Secret Recipe Cakes & Cafe Sdn Bhd |
Website |
https://www.secretrecipe.com.my/ |
Address |
42, Jalan SS 25/28 Taman Mayang 47301 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan |
Staffs |
Over 440 outlets around the world including Malaysia |
Business type |
Food and Beverage (F&B) |
Details |
Café Chain |
Usage method |
Recipe, Shop operation and System manual
Company Profile
Secret Recipe is the largest café chain in Malaysia offering “Sweet Moments and Sweet Memories in their life”with an extensive range of fine quality cakes as well as an extensive menu of Asian and Western cuisine.
Since Secret Recipe opened first store in 1997 in Petaling Jaya, which is developed as a satellite city for Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, Secret Recipe grew rapidly and currently operates more than 440 outlets across Asia Pacific region such as Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, and Maldives etc including around 320 outlets in Malaysia. Secret Recipe also plans to expand further into new overseas market such as Philippines, New York and even Middle East as well as further domestic store expansion in Malaysia. Actually Secret Recipe plans to open new outlets in Philippines and New York this year.
Therefore, we talked to Secret Recipe which continue to expand business steadily about why did Secret Recipe introduce Teachme Biz and how is the effectiveness of Teachme Biz.
The challenge of standardizing services in Malaysia where the country is geographically separated by sea.
―――What made you decide to introduce Teachme Biz?
Due to the geographical features of Malaysia where the country is separated by the South China Sea into two regions, we had difficulty in standardizing employee skills and service quality and thus the training cost tend to be high.
At that time, Texchem, operating the largest conveyor belt sushi restaurant chain “Sushi King”in Malaysia, that had already introduced Teachme Biz recommended it to us. After having discussion with Texchem about the features of Teachme Biz, we found it that Teachme Biz was very attractive as a tool and immediately decided to start a research team for Teachme Biz.
Afterwards, we had an opportunity to have a presentation introducing the functions of Teachme Biz in detail and we decided to use Teachme Biz for the trial.
―――What was the main reason why you decide to officially introduce Teachme Biz from the trial?
The biggest reason for it was Teachme Biz was very easy to search in the SOP. Before using Teachme Biz, we used paper manuals and we had difficulty in finding necessary information and even did not know where should we look at in SOP in order to find the information. However, after the introduction to Teachme Biz, now it is very easy to browse and find necessary information by mean of simply launching the app, typing a word and searching.
Another reason is that any employees can create manuals efficiently and easily because manuals are made by mainly videos and images. From the viewpoint of viewers, it is also easier to understand the video and picture-based manuals rather than manuals with only text and thus we think that Teachme Biz is more effective than conventional training method.
User-friendly tool for both the creators and the viewers