Have you ever wondered how the famous green coffee shop manages to ensure that the Caramel Coffee Frappuccino or iced coffee frappe tastes the same no matter where you order it? With over 24,000 branches worldwide, it seems like a challenging task. The secret lies in...
Embarking on 5S necessitates a systematic approach, gradually acclimating employees to embrace new practices within the organization. In this article, we will provide a detailed overview of the four essential steps to commence a 5S activity. 1. Establishing a System...
The 5S serves as a cornerstone for establishing a conducive work environment, encompassing five pivotal elementsThe 5S principles are introducedto cultivate a conducive working environment and consist of five key elements: Sort (Seiri), Set in order (Seiton), Shine...
Understanding Productivity and Its Importance in the Workplace In today’s competitive business landscape, maximizing working efficiency is crucial for organizations striving to stay ahead. In the workplace, it reflects how efficiently tasks are completed and the...
Prior to launching a Thailand branch, I had also been to Singapore, Vietnam, and Malaysia for market research. Many of the managers I met said, “In Southeast Asia, people quit their jobs all of sudden. Even if they work normally, they suddenly disappear the next...
In Thailand, the following contents were announced at the regular conference of the COVID-19 Problem Solving Center (CCSA) held at the end of April 2020. ・ Countermeasures and requests to be continued from May 1st to May 31st 1. Nighttime curfew (from 10:00 pm to...
“ New Normal ” is a new type of normalization where it comes from culture or new practice that occurs after a major crisis. In the past, “ New Normal ” was often used with economic events such as the Tom Yam Kung crisis or the American global financial crisis in 2009...
Yes! This is a story about work manualization that everyone loves. A lot of people have talked about “Visualization of work” and “Standardization of work”, so there is no doubt that manualization is very important when proceeding work. So how urgent is it?...
The economic impact from the coronavirus pandemic is expected to hit almost all business. Most companies certainly reconsider their investment plan. We would like to guide you “3 major organization costs to be reduced with Teachme Biz against the disruption of...
For this period, the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus caused the “ Work From Home ” phenomenon widely in various organizations. Whether we are ready or not, this situation is forcing us to do so. The virus is already in front of the office. This is why quick action is a...
My name is Yusuke Mameda from Studist (Thailand) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Studist Corporation that operates the SaaS “Teachme Biz” for B to B business. At our company, Studist (Thailand), all employees switched to “Work From Home” (hereinafter WFH),...